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Preparing your home for summer

Updated: Mar 5, 2019

Summer is almost here so here are a few tips on what you should be planning on to get ready for some great weather.

1. Open some windows and air your house.

Let in the fresh air, it helps to clear bad smells and allow in some humidity which can settle the dust to clean up later.

2. Spring clean your home.

A whole winter of closed doors and windows creates a dry environment which in turn traps in the dust. Give your home a good clean out and also provides an opportunity to get rid of those unwanted items.

3. Clean out your gutters.

It does not take long for gutters to clog up with moss, leaves from last autumn so a good clean out is usually needed.

4. Fertilise and seed your turf.

You should fertilise your lawn late spring or early summer to kick the grass into gear and within no time your lawn will be beautiful.

5. Clean the barbecue and outdoor furniture.

It won't be long until that day comes where the sun is out and the beers are chilled, don't get caught at that last minute to give the old bbq a good clean.

6. Clean and organise your garage.

You won't believe the amount of dust that can build up. Wipe down boxes and shelves and sweep up. Its not fun doing it in the cold so seize the day.

7. Give your paving a pressure wash.

Having your paving pressure washed can really give it a new lease on life.

8. Paint your home, it may be that your walls have become dirty and scratched. Doing so can improve your home as well as lift your spirit.

9. Get your fencing repaired or bud that decking ready for your next party.

10. Change your linens

You may have those winter linens on your beds, it may soon be time to change them over to your summer set and give the winter ones a good clean before packing them away.

The Horsham Tasker wishes you all a very good spring and summer and don't forget that if you need help with your tasks then don't hesitate to ask us.


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